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22 Nov 2013

The Effects of Smoking-Say NO to Cigarette!

Smoking is an unhealthy habit nevertheless it has become a normal phenomenon in our society. Smoking is said to be unhealthy because cigarette contains about 4000 different chemicals which can damage the cells and systems of human body. However, many people still think that the image of being a smoker is clever, cool or “grown up” especially to the youths. Smoking will bring many negative effects to us. Higher risk of getting diseases, affect the health of the babies and children, and affect one’s image are those negative effects of smoking.
   The chemical substances in the cigarettes such as tobacco, nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide and so on are harmful as they will cause many diseases to the smokers. Tar in the cigarettes will coat the lungs and can cause lung and throat cancer to the smokers. While the carbon monoxide in cigarettes will cause heart attack and stroke as it will reduce the amount of oxygen available to the brain and blood. This will result to the malfunction of our heart and brain. Besides, when a smoker is smoking, these harmful substances are drawn into the body where they interfere with cell function and cause problems ranging from cell death to genetic changes which lead to chronic diseases such as cancer and other circulatory diseases. The only one and final consequence from getting these diseases is death.
   Smoking will not only affect the health of the smokers, but also to their babies and children. A smoking of a pregnant female will greatly increases the risk of miscarriage, associated with lower birth weight babies, and inhibits child development. The health of the new born babies from a smoker would be affected because of the effects of the substances that the infants inhale when they are in the womb. Sudden infant death syndrome or cot death and higher rates of infant respiratory illness such as bronchitis, colds and pneumonia are those effects to the infants and children of the smokers. The smoking habit of the parents will ruin the future of their children because the health and intelligence quality of their infants and children would be weaker because of their parents’ smoking habit. Their infants will not grow up like the other normal children because of the effects of smoking.
   The image of a person will also be ruined by the cigarettes. It is because a smoker will have grey appearance, bad smell, yellow teeth, tooth decay and bad breath. These effects will affect one’s appearance and image. The smokers will leave a bad impression to other people when the others see their awful appearance. Their bad appearance and image will also affect their employment. The boss will not give a good impression to you if you have a bad smoker look and bad body odor when you attend an interview. Besides, your customer and colleagues will also dislike you when they always smell your bad breath and body odor. A good image is very important to a person in this society of the 21st century, so the bad image of a smoker is a disadvantage in this realistic society.
   As conclusion, smoking is a bad habit which will harm our life because it brings many negative effects to us. A small cigarette will not only affect the smokers’ health and images, but also threaten their infants and children’s life and future. Hence, we should avoid from become a smoker and advise the smokers around us to stop from being smoking in order to save them from death.

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